
Graduate Thesis Submission Schedule(2018 Fall)

Graduate students who are scheduled to graduate in February 2019 should refer to the following guidelines for submitting thesis.

Graduate thesis can be submitted in the library homepage. (http://library.yonsei.ac.kr, “Research” →”Thesis submission”)



Submission Procedures

*Library homepage(http://library.yonsei.ac.kr) → Research → Thesis submission → http://dcollection.yonsei.ac.kr → Login and Submit(Use Yonsei portal ID/PW) → Write the received confirmation number on the usage approval form and thesis submission confirmation form, Print the forms → Visit the designated location for submission(Medical library at Wonju College of Medicine) → Submit 4 hard-bound copies of your thesis, the usage approval form, and the online submission confirmation form

*You can verify your thesis submission status at your individual student portal site under “thesis review”.

Required documents

* Online submission: Document must be PDF file format.

* Usage approval form

* Thesis submission confirmation form

* Four hard-bound copies of your thesis(All copies should have the thesis approval sheet signed by all members of the advisory committee. One of the copies should have the thesis approval sheet with original signature.)

* Five hard-bound copies of your thesis only when 1) you don’t want to open your thesis to public online or 2) you are affiliated with the Law department. (All copies should have the thesis approval sheet signed by all members of the advisory committee. One of the copies should have the thesis approval sheet with original signature.)

Location for


*Yonsei-Samsung Library 1st floor Exhibition Hall(next to Y-Valley)

*Wonju College of Medicine students must submit their thesis at Medical library at Wonju College of Medicine and the “thesis submission confirmation form” at the Dept. of Research & Graduate School Affairs at Wonju College of Medicine.


*Online submission: December. 26 ~ January. 4, 2019(at all times)

*Hardbound thesis submission : January. 2 ~ January. 8, 2019 (09:00~17:00)

Please do not miss the deadline

*Contact Information for online thesis submission and booklet thesis submission

University Library, Department of Contents Development

Tel: 02-2123-6312,4644 (9:00 A.M ~ 5:00 P.M, Mon to Fri)

Email: thesis@yonsei.ac.kr

*Additional Information

1. Period of Assessment and submitting assessment report of the graduate thesis: December. 1~21, 2018

2. The Certificate of graduation and other documents released in English will have the name printed

according to the name inserted in the Portal System. Please verify your name in the Portal System.

3. Public release of doctoral dissertation: In accordance with the Enforcement Degree of the Higher

Education Act No. 51 and the Internal Regulation for Graduate Thesis No. 19, doctoral dissertations must be publically released to the academia within 1 year. Additionally, the released content must be reported to the department office, in order to notify the Ministry of Education (Forms of release: Publication of independent volume, publication in academic journal, publication in periodicals, publication in international journal, presentation at academic seminar, etc.)

4. If there is a change in the title of the thesis (Korean, English), please contact the department office and change the title through the <student portal thesis management system> by , Friday, 4th January 2019.


Yonsei Graduate School


<Thesis Submission Guide for Feb. 2019 Graduates (for foreigners)>
Graduate Students who are scheduled to graduate in February 2019 should refer to the following guidelines for submitting thesis.
1. Digital Thesis Submission
   - When: 2018. 12. 26.(Wed.) ~ 2019. 1. 4.(Fri.)
             (Office hour: Mon~Fri 09:00~17:00 / Until 20:00 on 2019. 1. 8.(Tue))
   - How: Go to the website (http://dcollection.yonsei.ac.kr) -> Login and Submit
            (Use Yousei portal ID/PW)
   - File format: pdf only (other formats can cause errors.)
   - It is recommended to print thesis after approving of online submission.
   - Refer to the file attached (Guide to Online Thesis Submission Procedure.pdf).

2. Book thesis(hard-bound) submission
   - When: 2019. 1. 2.(Wed.) ~ 2019. 1. 8.(Tue.) (※ Be sure to keep the deadline)
   - Where: Medical library at Wonju college of Meidcine
   - Number of copies: 4 Hard-bound thesis (both Master’s and Doctoral degree)
                             * One of the copies must have the thesis approval sheet signed by all members of the advisory committee. Others can have scanned page.
                             ** 5 copies are required for copyright disagree and Department of Law thesis

   - Required Documents
           ① License Agreement 1 copy (with the author’s signature)
           ② Submit Confirmation 1 copy (with the author’s signature and submit it to your graduate school office / for applicants who belongs to the general graduate school, submit it at the thesis submission office.)
             * Both can be printed out after online submission is confirmed.
For further questions regarding the thesis submission, please contact us.
Tel: 02-2123-4643/4644/6319 (9:10 AM ~ 5:00 PM, Mon to Fri)
E-mail: thesis@yonsei.ac.kr
* The writing format of the dissertation should be confirmed by referring to the dissertation notice on the homepage of the graduate school, or please inquire to your department office.
** Please refer to the link below for information on the dissertation writing system of Yonsei University Graduate School.
*** When submitting by deputy, please make your deputy bring your own identification card (student ID card is OK) and then visit the submission office.
**** After the online submission, verification may take some time. Please pay attention to schedule management so that you do not exceed book submission deadline!


<The survey of the KRIVET for a new doctoral degree from Korea >

If you are a doctoral degree recipients, it would be grateful if you could cooperate with the survey of the KRIVET for a new doctoral degree from Korea in the first half of 2019. (please refer follow link)



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