Notice_Taking Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs by the Graduate Students

by 원주의과대학2 posted Sep 07, 2018


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Notice_Taking Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs by the Graduate Students

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs


Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs at the on-line must be taken by the graduate students attending our school as following;

Please complete the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs by the designated date. You can refer to the attached guidence for your access.


1. Submission Date at online : by 10/5(Fri)

2. Guide for the Completing of Mandatory Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs


The government of the Republic of Korea is implementing “Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs” on every person who lives in Korea. The students must take this mandatory program more than once in a year. All the members of Yonsei University has the responsibility of taking “Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs”, which is arranged by Yonsei University, more than once in a year. Please reaffirm with the content below for further information regarding the programs.


1) Access to the Education Program on Preventing Violence (연세대학교 폭력 예방 교육)

- Access the YSCEC website, (,  and click the banner on the right which says ’Gender-based violence prevention programs’(연세대학교 폭력 예방 교육).

- Select language, and fill out the information of the participant.

- Direct address:

2) Guidance on the Subjects

-Required course for students: Education Program on Preventing Sexual Violence, Education Program on Preventing Prostitution, Education Program on Preventing Domestic Violence, Education Program on Human Rights


※You will be categorized as the receiver only when you finish the video and the quiz.



Thank you.


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